
Speech and Language Therapy Services
If a parent or guardian is concerned about the development of their child’s speech or their child has been diagnosed with a communication, cognitive, or developmental disorder, the first step is to set up an appointment for an evaluation. Prior to the evaluation, information regarding the child’s medical and developmental history will be gathered via a questionnaire. Additional information regarding the home and school environments may be asked to gain further insight.
During the evaluation, the speech-language pathologist observes the child’s communication interactions and conducts standardized formal tests. Once the evaluation is completed, the speech-language pathologist will write a report explaining the results and their recommendations for treatment. An individualized treatment plan will also be included in the report.
Once the vendor call is received, our office contacts the responsible party listed to gather basic information such as name, age of member, the member's physical location or address, and the best days and times to conduct therapy. The office would then contact therapists who have openings in their schedule to see if they would be a good fit.
Based on the evaluation results an individualized treatment plan is created to target the specific challenges the individual is experiencing. Therapy is provided on a 1:1 basis within the natural home environment with primarily play based activities. Services are provided once a week for 50-60 minutes unless otherwise recommended by a physician and evaluating speech-language pathologist. Services may be carried out by either a licensed SLP or SLPA (speech language pathology assistant). Family members are also a very important part of the treatment process. Not only are they encouraged to sit in and participate in the sessions they will also be taught carryover strategies that will aide in the continuation of progress. Regular attendance is a critical factor in progress and improvement.
Attendant Care Services
We also offer Attendant Care services. The purpose of Attendant Care(ATC) is to help the member to attain or maintain safe and sanitary living conditions and/or maintain personal cleanliness and activities of daily living. Services should only be used when the member is not able to do age-appropriate tasks for themselves These tasks include things like personal hygiene (bathing, brushing teeth, combing hair), eating assistance (feeding, meal prep, meal cleanup), housekeeping, laundry, and shopping.
Services are provided either in the home or in the community. Providers are responsible for the member at all times. Providers will be required to submit a ATC summary once a month. Personal face-to face supervision of the provider performing services will take place every 90 days. A small questionnaire regarding member satisfaction will also be given every 90 days.
If we have a provider available, ALTS will contact the responsible party listed on the vendor call or the support coordinator directly. General intake questions will be asked such as location of the home, days and times needed, and any specific needs of the member.
Services are provided either in the home or in the community. Providers are responsible for the member at all times. Providers are prohibited from administering medications. Families will sign off on the time sheets verifying hours worked. Providers will be required to submit a ATC summary once a month. Personal face-to face supervision of the provider performing services twill take place every 90 days. A small questionnaire regarding member satisfaction will also be given every 90 days.
Habilitation Services
Based on the needs identified in the ISP, Habilitation(HAH)services may be offered. A holistic evaluation of the member’s daily routine and current needs will be assessed. The support coordinator and family/care team will then create a set of outcomes for the member to learn. The number of hours needed to work on these outcomes is determined (usually 1-2 per day) and the service is added to the service plan.
General intake questions will be asked such as location of the home, days and times needed, and any specific needs of the member. If we have a provider who can meet the member’s needs and a mutual agreement to serve is reached between the agency and the member/family/member representative; the responsible party will be instructed to let their support coordinator know they have chosen an agency to provide services.
After receiving confirmation from the family, the support coordinator will authorize the units to the agency. An intake appointment will be scheduled. This usually takes place in the member's home with the provider present so that the family and provider can become familiar with each other. If more than one provider is available, families may interview each provider to determine the best fit. Once the family has chosen a provider, a schedule will be created and services begin. The support coordinator will provide a copy of the current ISP and HAH outcomes. The agency will create teaching strategies for each goal and ensure the provider is trained on implementing these strategies.
Services are provided either in the home or in the community. Providers are responsible for the member at all times. Providers are prohibited from administering medications. Families will sign off on the time sheets verifying hours worked. Providers will be required to submit a HAH summary once a month.
Homemaker Services
Based on the results of the assessment and plan development process, Homemaker(HSK)services may be offered. These services are not meant to take over the responsibility of the natural supports. The provider does not do any supervision or personal care but rather maintains the living conditions of the member. They are required to take care of the member's portion of the home only.
General intake questions will be asked such as location of the home, days and times needed, and any specific needs of the member. If we have a provider who can meet the family's needs; the responsible party will be instructed to let their support coordinator know they have chosen an agency to provide services.
An intake appointment will be scheduled. This usually takes place in the member's home with the provider present so that the family and provider can become familiar with each other. If more than one provider is available, families may interview each provider to determine the best fit. Once the family has chosen a provider and a mutual agreement to serve is reached between the agency and the member/family/member representative; a schedule will be created and services begin.
Services are provided either in the home or in the community. Providers are responsible for the member at all times. Providers are prohibited from administering medications. Families will sign off on the time sheets verifying hours worked. Providers will be required to submit a HSK summary once a month. Personal face-to face supervision of the provider performing services twill take place every 90 days. A small questionnaire regarding member satisfaction will also be given every 90 days.
Respite Services
Based on the needs identified, respite services may be offered. Should the family decide to accept the service, respite hours will be added to the service plan. The member is given an assigned number of hours/units (maximum 600) per respite year; which is October 1st through September 30th.
General intake questions will be asked such as location of the home, days and times needed, and any specific needs of the member. If we have a provider who can meet the member’s needs and a mutual agreement to serve is reached between the agency and the member/family/member representative; the responsible party will be instructed to let their support coordinator know they have chosen an agency to provide services.
Services can begin the day authorized. Once the hours are in focus and authorized to the agency an intake appointment will be scheduled. This usually takes place in the member's home with the provider present so that the family and provider can become familiar with each other. If more than one provider is available, families may interview each provider to determine the best fit. Once the family has chosen a provider, families can create a general schedule for the provider or utilize the provider on a as needed basis.
Services are provided either in the home or out in the community. Providers are responsible for the member at all times and are required to be with them at all times. Providers are prohibited from administering medications.
Areas We Service
Initially our geographic service area will be within Maricopa County in the western region of greater Phoenix and its surrounding cities including but not limited to Glendale, Peoria, Goodyear, Tolleson, Avondale, Laveen, and Buckeye. As our organization grows we plan to expand our service area to include other counties outside of Maricopa County. These counties include but are not limited to Pinal, Pima, Yuma, La Paz, Yavapai, and Gila counties.
DDD Disclosure
Under Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (respectively “Title VI” and “Title VII”) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Abundant Life Therapy Services, LLC prohibits discrimination in admissions, programs, services, activities or employment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, and disability. Abundant Life Therapy Services, LLC must make a reasonable accommodation to allow a person with a disability to take part in a program, service, or activity. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For example, this means that if necessary, Abundant Life Therapy Services, LLC must provide sign language interpreters for people who are deaf, a wheelchair accessible location, or enlarged print materials. It also means that Abundant Life Therapy Services, LLC will take any other reasonable action that allows you to take part in and understand a program or activity, including making reasonable changes to an activity. If you believe that you will not be able to understand or take part in a program or activity because of your disability, please let us know of your disability needs in advance if at all possible. To request this document in alternative format or for further information about this policy please contact: Shanikka Perryman at 602-428-1617 Para obtener este documento en otro formato u obtener información adicional sobre esta política, Shanikka Perryman at 602-428-1617..